Greyhounds Australasia (GA) announces the approval of several amendments to the GA Rules, set to take effect from 1 November...
GA Rule Amendments Effective 1 July 2024
Greyhounds Australasia (GA) announces the approval of several amendments to the GA Rules, set to take effect from 1 July...
Parentage Certification Service and Updated Fees for FY25
As we move into the new financial year, Greyhounds Australasia (GA) is pleased to introduce a new service that aims...
Breeding Units Scam Alert
Greyhounds Australasia (GA) is aware of attempts being made online to deceive participants into purchasing breeding units (frozen semen vials) that either do not exist or are not genuine.
Statement on Independent Inquiry into the Governance of the Greyhound Racing Industry in South Australia
Greyhounds Australasia (GA) thanks the Independent Inquiry into the Governance of the Greyhound Racing Industry for its hard work on...
GAP Partners with Police Veterans Victoria
Victoria’s Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) has announced an exciting new partnership with Police Veterans Victoria (PVV) which will reap enormous...
Greyhounds give WA Police Officers Paws to Rest and Recharge
Priority greyhound adoption is being offered to WA Police Union members in a partnership with Racing and Wagering Western Australia...
Greyhounds Australasia Statement: NZ Ministerial Announcement
GRNZ Statement in Response to Ministerial Announcement GRNZ December 2022 Submission to Racing MinisterNZ Racing Integrity Board Report December 2022...
Amendments to Greyhounds Australasia Rules
GAR 25 Minimum Vaccination Requirements Summary: Greyhounds Australasia (GA), through the GA Integrity Committee, has become aware of revised opinion...