Mr. Robert Vellar – Chair
Chair, Greyhounds Australasia Limited
Mr. Dale Cartwright – Deputy Chair
Director, Racing Queensland Limited
Mr. Wayne Billett
Acting Chief Executive Officer, Greyhound Racing New South Wales
Mr. Michael Gordon
Greyhound Code Director, Tasracing
Mr. David Kingston
Director, Greyhound Racing New Zealand
Mr. Stuart Laing
Chief Executive Officer, Greyhound Racing Victoria
Mr. Alastair Shields
Chair, Racing Commission Northern Territory
Mr. David Simonette
Director, Racing and Wagering Western Australia
Mr. Grantley Stevens
Chairman, Greyhound Racing South Australia
Alternate Directors
Ms. Terrie Benfield
General Counsel & General Manager, Corporate Services, Greyhound Racing Victoria
Mr. Edward Berry
Manager Compliance, Gambling and Racing, Licensing Northern Territory
Mr. Wayne Billett
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Greyhound Racing New South Wales
Mr. David Hunter
Chief Racing Officer, Racing and Wagering Western Australia
Mr. Andrew Jenkins
Chief Executive Officer, Tasracing
Mr. Alex Kitching
Senior Racing Manager – Greyhounds, Racing Queensland
Mr. Edward Rennell
Chief Executive Officer, Greyhound Racing New Zealand
Mr. Brenton Scott
Chief Executive Officer, Greyhound Racing South Australia