Before requesting advice regarding available names, please check the Greyhounds Australasia Naming Policy.
If you want to find out if a specific name is available, please complete the contact us form to the right and include a maximum of 10 names for review. The GA team will respond within 3 business days regarding the availability of your name choices.
Should you wish to reserve a name that is available, you can do so by completing the Reserve Naming Application Form here.
Please Note:
- Any name that a participant is notified as being available holds no guarantee of being granted. The required name should be applied for immediately or reserved.
- Also, it is not the practice of any control authority to change a name once it has been granted.
- Any vulgar or offensive naming applications will be placed on hold. Naming applications of this kind will be reported to the appropriate controlling body and will not progress until further notice is received from the controlling body.